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What is this website?

This website is about the work of Jordan Brown: an activist, artist, writer, musician, independent film-maker and freelance journalist based in Melbourne, Australia.

More information about his work can be found on the about page.

What data may be created when this website is accessed?

This website runs on Open Source software tools such as Linux and nginx to build and serve the pages, and manage demand to the content (load balancing). Cloudflare is used as a Content Delivery Network and security agent.

The following data can be expected to be generated when using this website:

Web-server data

This website uses standard logging (as defined by the The World Wide Web Consortium) to manage and balance demand. This means that the server computers handling this website will most likely automatically attempt to recognise the domain name of each visitor (using reverse DNS), will most definitely be provided with and process each visitor’s IP address, what web page the visitor requests, the date and time of the request, along with information supplied by the visitor’s browser, such as its “user agent” identifier, and the type and version of its host Operating System. Processing the user agent is particularly important for determining if you’re using a mobile device and if so, displaying this website on that device in a particular format that suits its little screen. The use of the user agent data concerns information about the device itself in general, not any personal information, but still has the potential to be a fairly unique identifier.

For more information about what sort of data your web browser can reveal, please see this page built by the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, as part of its Panopticlick project. Panopticlick can analyse how well your browser and add-ons protect you against online tracking techniques, which is particularly important when dealing with bad actors (such as advertisers) that frequently use this information for surveillance and profiling.

This website does not use or retain any information whatsoever for personal profiling, behaviour tracking, or monetisation of any kind.

All web-server data generated from accessing this website is used only in the direct functioning of this website and for no other purpose.

Contact Forms

If you send a message to Jore using this website, then the information provided as part of that process will be provided to Jore and trusted people acting on his behalf, in order to send your message. This information will include your name as provided, your e-mail address, a contact phone number (if you provide one) and obviously the contents of your message. Standard web server information (as detailed above) will also be generated and supplied, for instance: your IP address and the user agent of your device. This information is used to protect against receiving spam, and also deliver legitimate messages correctly. It is not and will not be used for any other purpose.


As part of accessing this website, your browser may be issued with a cookie. This is a small piece of data sent from this website, and, depending on your browser’s settings, may be stored on your device for the duration of your browsing session. This is done in order to allow this website to interact with your device somewhat more smoothly. You can choose to reject cookies from this website to no penalty other than some processes may then become unautomated, such as remembering that you’ve answered a CAPTCHA or are logged in to the website, for example. This is not access-critical however, the website should still work if you reject cookies, but may become slightly more annoying than usual.

This website does not and should not interact with or generate any third-party cookies.

What data is retained, why, and for how long?

This website runs on Open Source software tools such as Linux and nginx to build and serve the pages, and manage demand to the content (load balancing). Cloudflare is used as a Content Delivery Network and security agent. The types of data kept, the expected time period, and the reasons for that, are outlined below.

Basically, this website opts to store as little information as possible, and where practical, to save no information at all.

Web-server data

This website uses standard logging in order to manage demand. Expect that the information generated as part of this process will be at most: the domain name of each visitor (using reverse DNS where possible), each visitor’s IP address, a basic guess at the geo-graphical location of the IP address (based on the IP address range and/or its generally assigned network location, or a WHOIS lookup), what URL the visitor requests, if the request is successful or not (the returned HTTP status code), the date and time of the request, along with the visitor’s browser’s “user agent” identifier, and the type and version of Operating System used.

Web-server data is generated at the time of the request and is kept for a short period in order to manage demand. For example, if a spike in requests is detected in a certain country, web-server data will be used to help balance requests in that region. The time period for the retention of this data may be up to 30 days, depending on the conditions of the network and the requirements to keep this site online. However, in normal operating conditions (i.e. periods without disruption and non-hostile web requests) this sort of data is expected to be discarded much sooner, if not close to immediately after a request is satisfied.

This website does not use or retain any information whatsoever for personal profiling, behaviour tracking, or monetisation of any kind.


If you make a donation to Jore–thank you!–only the data you provide below will be used to process and record your donation, and no other purpose:

  • your name;
  • e-mail address;
  • amount of the donation in USD;
  • the date and time the donation was made.

This information may be kept for a period of up to 7 years from the transaction date, in order to comply with local laws and monetary regulations. No credit card information is retained by this website. The actual financial processing is done by Stripe.

Contact Forms

If you send a message to Jore using this website, then the information provided as part of that process will be provided to Jore and trusted people acting on his behalf, in order to send your message. This information will include your name as provided, your e-mail address, a contact phone number (if you provide one) and obviously the contents of your message. This information is only kept online for the time it takes for the people behind Jore to check their e-mails. After that, the message and its associated data is removed from the e-mail server, but it may be kept intact for an indefinite period offline, as part of e-mail and other correspondence archives.

This website supports e-mail privacy tools such as OpenPGP encryption and DKIM message verification.

Data generated by or provided to this website will never be shared or sold or mined

This website does not use or retain any information whatsoever for personal profiling, behaviour tracking, or monetisation of any kind.

Information used on this website is for the direct functioning of the website and no other purpose.

Embedded content from other websites

This website is free of advertisements and all imported third-party code considered hostile, for example Google’s scripting or content embeds such as YouTube.

Google Analytics, Facebook’s pixel tracking, and Twitter’s bootstrap are all highly rejected and vehemently opposed.

With the exception of some video data which may be referenced from the Internet Archive (a community-valued not-for-profit digital library), all content that appears on this website is hosted from secure servers outside the United States, and is self-contained to avoid reliance on cross-site scripting and hence data leakage to hostile platforms.

For the video content from the Internet Archive, you can find their Privacy Policy here.

Some hyperlinks to third-party websites do exist on this website, but the content is not hosted nor embedded. Where these links exist and where possible, the user is informed that they are leaving this website and as such, differing privacy values and levels of data protection may apply to that accessing that content.

Contact Information

To contact Jore or a trusted agent in regards to this privacy information, please see the contact details for your region here.